Hardware-Based Isolation for Advanced Safety and Security in Spacecraft

Unser Team präsentierte auf der Konferenz SpaceOps 2023 in Dubai einen Vortrag über den Forschungsprototyp unserer Zero-Trust-Plattform für Raumfahrzeuge, die missionskritische Flight-Control-Software. Außerdem nahmen wir an einer Konferenz zur Digitalisierung von Raumfahrzeugen in Deutschland teil, um uns mit führenden Vertretern der Branche auszutauschen und uns über die neuesten Entwicklungen zu informieren.

Recently, we had the privilege of presenting a paper on the satellite research prototype of our Zero-Trust Platform (a collaboration with the European Space Agency, ESA) at the SpaceOps 2023 conference in Dubai. The paper showcases how the Zero-Trust Platform can isolate mission-critical flight-control software from third-party experiments on a satellite – without impacting the real-time requirements of the flight-control software. Our team was thrilled to have the opportunity to present our work at SpaceOps and make new contacts in the space domain. Our presentation was well received, and we received a lot of positive feedback on our approach to securing embedded systems in space.


In addition to our presentation at SpaceOps, we also attended the conference on the digitalization of spacecraft (“Digitalisierung der Raumfahrt”) hosted by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Düsseldorf, Germany, on May 4th, 2023. The event was a fantastic opportunity to connect with industry leaders and learn more about the latest developments in the field.

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